Finally Getting Together

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So we just completed our first residency get together, as a research team, to begin to design and develop the next stage of our project, the online interactive questionnaire. We spent three days in a remote location in the Yorkshire Moors talking, walking, eating and working together. It felt both normal and really weird to be in person and not looking at each other on a screen (we hadn’t seen each other IRL for nearly two year, TWO YEARS)…

This project is iteratively led, each stage feeds the next. The research shaped the focus groups, and they have shaped the development of our next stage, our online space. What was really exciting for the team was beginning to think and work more creatively, starting to bring in ways of making from our individual practices. Linda with a focus on sound design, graphic design and social interactions, Tony on composition, sound design and web design, Ashley, visual interactive design and game space interaction.

This meant taking out the pencils, paper, paint brushes, field recording technology, coding software, graphics software and getting down to the aesthetic business of building our online world. We have some provisional mock ups of how our world should look, a set of what we are calling bio-domes, situated on a mycelium style network, each dome interacting with the other depending on how participants engage with questions located in each dome. We hope to launch this world by mid to late August and have as many folks engage with the questions as possible. Very excited to get this launched. Following the launch of this site we plan to develop an online seminar session on science and art collaborations. More to follow on this later.

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